(2008年1月編委會修訂) |
97年第一、二期徵稿 |
The International Journal of Arts Education, 2008
Contributions for Volume 6 Issue 1 & Issue 2 |
Publisher: National Taiwan Arts Education Center
Editor: Department of Cultural Business and Development,
National Chin-Yi University of Technology |
壹、 |
前言 |
經由國內藝術教育界的耕耘,《國際藝術教育學刊》的論文投稿相當踴躍,並透過嚴格的審查,始終維持著高水準的內容。本期刊今年度已滿五年,期望在過去五年來編輯團隊辛苦擘建的豐實成果上,能夠繼續茁壯、持續為臺灣在聯結國際藝術教育的視野與交流上,堅持提供一個開放與嚴謹的論述發表平台,並祈海內外藝術界先進大師們繼續給於鞭策與指導支持。 |
在當今臺灣教育環境中,藝術教育如何定位、落實、發展?藝術教育研究者及藝術教師們,如何釐清當代藝術教育的價值?甚至藝術創作與教育文化間的因果與變遷之其重要性如何?諸如此議題,仍是一個具有相當發展與討論空間的研究課題。國立臺灣藝術教育館特別出版本學刊,以作為海內外學者發表研究成果之園地,乃期待將有助於提昇國內藝術教育研究水準,並促進海內外相關學者之互動,從而加強國際學術交流。 |
貳、 |
內容 |
屬於藝術教育相關研究成果論述,包括理論或方法性主題研究探討、特定研究專題之系統性綜合評論等純學術性論文;或藝術創作與教育文化相關之純學術性論文。不包括翻譯文稿、報導性文章、整篇學位論文及進修研究報告等文章。 |
參、 |
徵稿主題與截稿期限 |
三、97年第二期於97年7月31日截稿。 |
肆、 |
其他 |
一、 |
來稿請符合本刊所要求之形式要件。本刊因編輯需要,保有刪修權。 |
二、 |
來稿若經採用,作者須簽署中英文著作財產權轉讓同意書。 |
三、 |
來稿一經刊登,將致贈當期刊物五冊,本刊物文章並將全文登錄於國立臺灣藝術教育館「臺灣藝術教育網」:http://ed.arte.gov.tw/index.aspx 中。退稿將致函作者,但不退還電子檔與檔案光碟,請於投稿前自行留存原稿檔案。 |
四、 |
請勿抄襲、改作、一稿多投或侵犯他人著作權。凡涉及著作權或言論責任之糾紛者,悉由作者自負法律責任。 |
Information for Contributors |
(A) |
Types of Submission: |
1. |
Research papers on arts education; include arts education theories and practices, methodological studies, and systematic reviews on chosen research subjects. Translations, reporting article, degree dissertations are excluded. |
2. |
Theme: any topic about Art Education is welcomed. |
(B) |
Preparing the submission: |
1. |
The manuscript in either Chinese or English (preferably both) should be electronic-typed as, 38 words a line, 31 lines a page, horizontal text flow with pagination. The body includes all tables and figures, notes, and appendixes. It should be between 10 and 16 pages, except Chinese/ English abstract or bibliography. |
2. |
Format: |
(1) |
Cover page: basic information of the contributor is required. |
(2) |
Chinese/ English abstract: Chinese/ English abstracts of no more than 500 words respectively and no more than 5 keywords, followed by the body of the manuscript (including tables and figures, notes and appendixes) and bibliography. Identification of the contributor should not appear elsewhere except for the cover page. |
(3) |
The body. |
(4) |
Tables and figures should be numbered with captions above the tables and below the figure. Original spelling for proper nouns should be retained in parentheses. |
(5) |
References in text should follow the most recent APA style. |
(6) |
Papers based on research projects should include necessary acknowledgement and names of the sponsors. |
3. |
Review Process: |
(1) |
All papers deemed appropriate for the Journal are sent to anonymously to readers and rated as (a) accepted for publication, (b) accepted for publication after revision by the author, or (c) not accepted. |
(2) |
Upon publication, the Research Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, and the National Taiwan Arts Education Institute will hold the right of electronic publication. |
(3) |
Deadline for contributions: 31st March, 2008 (Volume 6 Issue 1) & 31st July, 2008 (Volume 6 Issue 2) |
(4) |
Volume 6 Issue 1 of the Journal 2008 will come out in 5th July.
Volume 6 Issue 2 of the Journal 2008 will come out in 5th December. |
4. |
Miscellaneous: |
Manuscript unconformity to the above-mentioned formats and requirements will no to be accepted. |
(2) |
Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that the editor and the editorial staff have the right to make revision. |
(3) |
Upon publication, five complimentary copies of the Journal will be sent to the contributors. |
(4) |
Authors must comply with international copyright laws and are solely responsible for any infringement or violation charges. |
(5) |
Please send the document in the format of MS Word to:injae@linux.arte.gov.tw and specify “submission for The International Journal of Arts Education” on the mail or the title of e-mail. Beside, please send the manuscript with CD-ROM to the address “No.35, Lane 215, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Taiping City, Taichung County 411, Taiwan. The Department of Cultural Business and Development, National Chin-Yi University of Technology” |